Past spotlights

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If you're only just joining now, you can find all the past spotlights here listed in reversed chronological order. 

Spotlight 21: Consistency (3.2.3 & 3.2.4) 

Consistency is important for any learning content creator. Not being consistent can add to the learners’ cognitive load and even cause confusion. The same is true with regard to assistive technology users. If learners rely on screen readers or screen magnifiers, for example, consistency can help them expect certain elements in a specific location or under a specific name. If this consistency is broken, they will not be able to navigate or understand the content as easily. In this spotlight, we look at the 2 WCAG criteria that aim to ensure consistency for accessibility reasons.

According to WCAG 3.2.3 Consistent Navigation (AA), navigational mechanisms should appear in the same location and order on every page/slide etc. The term “navigational mechanisms” refers to elements that are displayed throughout the learning content, such as the home icon, the menu options, the search function, and the skip or next buttons. 

In many cases, the position of these mechanisms is defined by the authoring tool. However, whenever the authoring tool allows you to change the position of these elements (such as creating custom back and forward buttons), it helps to use a template to achieve consistency.

While 3.2.3 is concerned with the location and the order, criterion 3.2.4 Consistent Identification (AA) relates to the naming convention of recurring elements. It requires that components that have the same functionality are labelled consistently. 

One common example is a search bar that content designers label either with text that reads “Search” or “Find”, or even with just a magnifying glass icon. Consistency means using only one of these methods throughout the content. This also applies to text, buttons, links and icons. So for example, an icon that is used throughout the course should have the same alt text. Equally,  a link that is mentioned a few times but takes users to the same page should have the same link text. Another example is a button that submits answers to quiz questions. It should have the same text instead of using “Submit” or “Check” interchangeably. 

The reverse is also true. This means that for example if a checkmark icon is used for different purposes in the course, the labelling should reflect that.  If it’s used to indicate a correct answer, the alt text should say something like “Checkmark icon for correct answer”, but if it’s used in a table to show that the data has been verified, the alt text should say something like “ Checkmark to indicate verified data”. 

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Spotlight 20: Media Accessibility in Storyline 360 with Diane Elkins

We already dedicated 3 spotlights to the 9 guidelines in WCAG 1.2: Time-based media and we also talked about 1.4.2: Audio control (they're in spotlight 7, 8, 9 & 17). 

In this video spotlight, we talk with featured guest Diane Elkins about the importance of making audio and video accessible and, more importantly, how to do it in Storyline 360. Diane shares her top tips and best practices on closed captions, voice over, audio autoplay, and audio descriptions that can help you create more inclusive and effective learning experiences. She even shows example videos and how she tests that all accommodations are in place. 

Read the transcript: Media Accessibility in Storyline 360 transcript

Check out the conversation on our YouTube channel: Media Accessibility in Storyline 360

Thumbnail of the Media Accessibility Storyline with Diane Elkins video

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Spotlight 19: Headings (1.3.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.6 & 2.4.10) 

It’s time for another spotlight, this time on headings! This is not too complex, so let’s start!

According to WCAG 2.4.2 Page Titled (Level A) each page of the learning content should have a descriptive title so users can understand what the page is about. A descriptive title listed in the menu also helps users to navigate to specific content when looking for it.  It also benefits users who use assistive technology like screen readers which announce the title to the user before reading rest of the content on the page. 

WCAG 2.4.6 Headings and Labels (AA) simply states that “headings and labels describe topic or purpose”. It means that the page/slide and section headings should give a clear indication of the topic or the purpose of the content to allow users to “skim" the headings and quickly locate the specific content they need. For example, the headings “Part 1”, “Part 2” etc, are not descriptive enough; instead, an article or training about accessibility might have these headings: “Intro to accessibility”, “What is WCAG?” etc.  

While the Headings and Labels (WCAG 2.4.6, AA) criterion only applies if headings and section headings are used, the advanced guideline WCAG 2.4.10 Section headings (AAA), actually encourages the use of heading and section headings. This is to indicate the organization of the content and facilitate the navigation and comprehension of the content.

Finally, we must mention WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (A) as well. This criterion is not specifically about headings, but about “programmatically determined” elements, such as tables, lists, links, input fields etc. Simply put, it is about making sure that assistive technologies can recognize the nature of the element by using the right code and not just visual cues. For example, a heading may appear to be a heading to the eye if it’s bolded or larger in size, but unless it’s marked up properly as a header, screen readers will not be able to communicate that to the user. 

Marking up a heading simply means choosing one of the heading formatting options authoring tools offer usually in a dropdown format. There are 6 heading levels altogether and while the number of the headings and levels of headings you need is determined by the complexity of the content, it’s best to keep them limited to important signposts and keep them logical. For example, it’s best practice to have only one Level 1 heading (<h1>) per page and then a few big sections (<h2>).  In addition, <h3> shouldn’t come straight after <h1> and should not precede <h2>.  Equally, heading formatting should not be used for content that is not meant to be a heading, regardless of how appealing the visual style of that heading format might be.

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Spotlight 18: Accessibility in Storyline 360 with Elizabeth Pawlicki 

In this spotlight, we put the guidelines into practice with Articulate 360. 

Elizabeth Pawlicki from Articulate shares how to create accessible e-learning courses with Storyline 360. She explains the built-in accessibility features, the best practices for designing inclusive content and the future updates on the roadmap.

Learn what you should start doing right now and discover the specific features of Storyline 360 that support accessibility and the best practices for leveraging them in your courses.


Read the transcript: Accessibility in Storyline 360 transcript

Check out the conversation on our YouTube channel: Accessibility in Storyline 360

Thumbnail of the Accessibility in Storyline with Elizabeth Pawlicki video

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Spotlight 17: Audio content (1.4.2 & 1.4.7)

Imagine that you are reviewing a training, and when you select "Next", a video starts playing automatically. You frantically start looking for a pause or stop button but find none. Now, imagine the same situation but with someone using a screen reader, trying to find a pause or stop button while the screen reader and video sound play simultaneously, interfering with each other. 

WCAG 1.4.2: Audio Control (A) states that the user should be able to stop or pause any audio that plays automatically for more than 3 seconds. One easy way to comply is by providing a pause or stop button for any multimedia with sound that plays automatically for more than 3 seconds. However, it's generally considered a better solution to allow users to start the multimedia containing audio after landing on the content page instead of giving them the option to stop it. So it's best to not have multimedia with audio auto-start but start at the user's control. 

Talking about audio content, there is an advanced criterion that relates to the relationship between foreground and background audio within a track. 

WCAG 1.4.7:  Low or No Background Audio (AAA) states that any pre-recorded audio that contains speech in the foreground should not contain background audio or users should be able to turn off the background audio. Any background audio, if present, should be 20 dB lower than the foreground speech audio.

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Spotlight 16: Images of texts (1.4.5 & 1.4.9)

In this spotlight, let's discuss images of text and how they may impact learners accessing your content.

WCAG 1.4.5: Images of Text (AA) states that if an author can use text to achieve the same visual effect, they should present the information as text rather than using an image. Images of text can be images of styled headings, quotations, logos, letters with important content, diagrams with text, or infographics with text. Not complying with this criterion and using images of text or text that is presented inside an image, can impact people with low vision as images can become blurry when enlarged. They can also impact people using smaller screens to access the content as these images don't scale to the screen as the native text does. Besides, unless Alt text is used, screen reader users will not be able to access the written content. 

One exception to this rule is if the user can customize the text in the image by changing the font or the colour for example. Another example is when the text in the image is essential such as with logos, charts and graphs. Note, however, that it is best practice to provide Alt text with images at all times. 

The advanced version of this criterion, 1.4.9: Images of Text (No Exception) AAA states that images of text should be used ONLY for decorative purposes or when they are considered essential like logos, charts and diagrams.

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Spotlight 15: Contrast (1.4.3, 1.4.6 & 1.4.11)

In Spotlight 13, we talked about supplementing colours. In this spotlight, we continue talking about colours, but from a different perspective.

Visibility is important for any user, but especially for people with low vision or colour vision deficiency. There are 3 WCAG guidelines outlining the requirements to create enough contrast between the different elements on the screen. 

Before we dive in, let’s quickly define the colour contrast ratio. Colour contrast ratio calculates the difference between the brightness of two colours. For example, white text on a white background would be invisible, and the ratio is 1:1, while the contrast ratio between black and white is 21:1. 

WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast  (Minimum) (AA) criterion states that the contrast between the text and the background has to be at least 4.5:1. This applies to any text on the screen, including hover states, regardless of whether it’s in the body text, the navigation, or a button.

However, there are several things to consider here. For text that is 18 points (24 pixels) in size or larger, or bolded text of size 14 points (18.56 pixels) and above, a colour contrast ratio of 3:1 would suffice. That is because the size or the bolding makes it easier to read. In addition, texts in logos and texts that don’t need to be legible are exempt. For example, disabled buttons, text that incidentally appears on images but has no significance, or text that is part of a decorative image doesn’t have to meet the contrast ratio. 

To comply at a higher level, the extension of this criterion, WCAG 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced) (AAA) requires the contrast ratio to be 7:1 for standard text and 4.5:1 for large or bolded text.

Another contrast-related criterion is 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast (AA) and it extends to elements on the screen that are beyond text such as user interface components and graphical objects. So, for example, it applies to icons, graphics, links, buttons, input items, visual focus indicators, maps, charts, and their states. The contrast between these elements and any adjacent colours has to be 3:1. The phrase “adjacent colours” means that the colour contrast requirement is not only between the non-text element and the background, but also anything next to it, or on top of it. For example, a segment of a pie chart has to have 3:1 contrast between the background, the adjacent segments and any text on the top of the segment. This is also true for buttons, and links within a paragraph, just to mention a few. 

Finally, while it’s not a WCAG requirement, it’s important to mention that people with dyslexia prefer non-white backgrounds. 

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Spotlight 14: Writing accessible copy with Kayleen Holt

This spotlight is all about writing accessible copy. To help with this episode, we asked Kayleen Holt, Instructional Designer Consultant at Scissortail Creative Services (soon to be Inclusive LXD) to give us an overview of the different things that can help ensure that people can understand and perceive written text. 

Or read the transcript: Writing accessible copy transcript

Check out the conversation on our YouTube channel: Writing accessible copy (YouTube video)

Thumbnail of the Writing Accessible Copy with Kayleen Holt video

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Spotlight 13: Complementing colours (1.4.1)

As learning designers, we probably all love colour. However, people with low vision, colour blindness, or even elderly people with reduced eyesight might have trouble accessing information where colours carry meaning.

WCAG 1.4.1 (Use of colour - level A) is about making sure that colours alone do not convey meaning and other visual means are added to ensure that all sighted users can still perceive the information.

For example, you may have seen error messages where red means incorrect, and green means correct. To make them more accessible for people who don't perceive the colours well, you can add icons and text cues as well. Another example is an Excel spreadsheet where the text or background colour in certain cells is changed to highlight information or trends. Because many people might not even notice that different colours are used, you could use other methods of visual cues, such as different fonts or patterned backgrounds.  

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Spotlight 12: Flashes (2.3.1 & 2.3.2)

Let's talk about flashy content. 

There are two WCAG standards about safety and preventing people with photosensitive epilepsy from having seizures. But also people with an attention deficit disorder can benefit from limiting flashing content.

According to WCAG 2.3.1: Three Flashes or Below Threshold (Level A), you shouldn’t include any content that flashes more than three times a second unless the flashes fall below a defined threshold. However, WCAG 2.3.2: Three Flashes (Level AAA) does not allow more than three flashes a second, even if these are below the threshold.

In general, it is safer and more recommended to avoid flashes whenever possible. To comply, avoid using text and animations that create a flickering effect or using blinking effects alongside texts. And, as with animations and other effects, give people the possibility to pause, stop or hide this kind of content.

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Spotlight 11: Using links (2.4.4 & 2.4.9)

In this spotlight, we’ll talk about using links. 

WCAG 2.4.4 Link Purpose: In Context - level A and 2.4.9 Link Purpose: Link only - level AAA both relate to making links meaningful to users. The difference is that with 2.4.4, the users should be able to work out where the link will take them from the context surrounding the link, while according to 2.4.9, they should be able to do that from the link text alone.

Links are usually visually different from standard text. Screen readers try to mimic that functionality and allow users to pull up a list of links and navigate through that list quickly. However, if the list has 3 "Click here" and 4 " Find out more" links, users have to investigate the surrounding content to find out what these specifically refer to. If they can work out the meaning from the context surrounding the link, the learning content complies with the level A standard. However, in general, it's considered best practice to comply with the level AAA guideline and make the purpose or the destination of the link clear from the link alone. 

Although not specifically mentioned in the WCAG guidelines, here are some more considerations when using links:

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Spotlight 10: No keyboard trap (WCAG 2.1.2)

In this spotlight, let’s look at interface components and navigation. 

Users with visual or physical disabilities may use the keyboard to navigate and access content only using keys on the keyboard. 

According to success criterion 2.1.2: No Keyboard Trap (Level A), keyboard-only users should be able to enter, interact and exit the content that receives focus using only the standard keyboard keys such as Shift and Tab, Tab, or the Arrow keys. A keyboard trap occurs when learners can navigate to an item, but then cannot move away from it. If the user needs to use non-standard keys to exit the content, then those instructions must be provided to the learner to avoid keyboard trap. 

Because the way interactive elements work is determined by the authoring tool, it’s unusual to come across a keyboard trap in eLearning. However, it's always advisable to test your content with the authoring tool to ensure there are no traps.

It’s also possible to inadvertently create a trap for learners through certain design choices, such as a navigation button that disappears or a drag and drop activity that is required to be completed to move ahead in the training.        

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Thanks to Susi Miller and Diane Elkins for contributing to this post.


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Spotlight 9: AAA guidelines related to multimedia (WCAG 1.2.6-1.2.9)

In the previous two spotlights, we looked at the A and AA requirements related to making time-based media, such as audio and video content, accessible (WCAG 1.2.1-1.2.5).  

In this spotlight, let’s review the remaining requirements (1.2.6, 1.2.7, 1.2.8 & 1.2.9) that are required for AAA conformance. These are somewhat more advanced requirements and therefore are harder to meet. 

According to success criterion 1.2.6 (AAA), sign language interpretation should be provided for all pre-recorded audio in synchronized media.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing may use sign language as their first language and have limited reading ability which makes it harder to read and comprehend captions in synchronized media. For them, therefore, sign language is faster to interpret and is more descriptive in terms of intonation and emotion compared to captions. However, note that sign language differs in countries and not everyone with hearing impairment understands sign language.

To comply with the criterion, you could add sign language interpretation to the video that is presented to all users, or provide a link to a video that has sign language interpretation.  

Success criterion 1.2.7 (AAA) talks about Extended audio descriptions and is an extension of 1.2.5 (AA) Standard audio description.

According to WCAG 1.2.5 (Level AA), pre-recorded videos that have sound should have an audio description. However, sometimes the content doesn't have long enough natural pauses for the audio narration to be added. In this case, to comply with AAA, you may need to pause the video to allow the extended audio description to be added. The video then can resume once the description ends.

Success criterion 1.2.8 (AAA) states that an alternative in text form (most commonly as a transcript) should be provided for any audio-visual content. This is important because people who may not be able to read captions and hear sound have access to the same information. The text transcript should include full descriptions of the audio and visuals including visual context, actions and expressions of actors, and any other key visual material. In addition, all spoken audio like laughter and off-screen dialogues, on-screen text should be included in the transcript. 

Success criterion 1.2.9 (AAA) states that alternative text should be provided for information covered by live audio such as meetings, conferences, podcasts etc. This can be achieved through a real-time captioning service or a transcript if it’s a prepared script, for example, a pre-written script for a live press release.

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Spotlight 8: Transcripts and audio descriptions (WCAG 1.2.1, 1.2.3  & 1.2.5)

In spotlights 7-9, we look at the 9 WCAG guidelines (1.2.1 - 1.2.9) relating to making time-based media, such as audio and video content, accessible. In the previous spotlight, we covered the A and AA requirements related to using captions (WCAG 1.2.2 & 1.2.4). This week, we bring the A and AA requirements related to using transcripts and audio descriptions (WCAG 1.2.1, 1.2.3 & 1.2.5). Next week, we’ll look at all the AAA requirements related to time-based media together (WCAG 1.2.6-1.2.9).

So, in this spotlight, let’s have a look at the A and AA requirements related to transcripts and audio descriptions.

According to WCAG 1.2.1 (level A), with pre-recorded audio-only content, such as podcasts, a transcript should be provided. With videos that have no sound, but have on-screen information or non-decorative visuals, either a transcript or an audio description track should be provided. 

When it comes to providing audio description and/or a media alternative such as a transcript for videos with sound, there are different WCAG requirements depending on the conformance level. 

The level A  guideline (1.2.3) requires that for pre-recorded videos that have sound, either an audio description or a media alternative is provided. However, to conform at level AA (1.2.5), an audio description must be provided. That means that by providing an audio description, you conform at level AA, whereas if you only provide a transcript, you only conform at level A. Exceptions are videos where there are no visuals used to enhance the spoken content or where those visuals are explained in the narration. 


In general, captions, audio descriptions, and transcripts are all similar because they provide an alternative output method for the content in the video. The main difference is that captions give sighted users information about the dialogues and the sounds in the video that they need to understand the content. On the other hand, audio descriptions give non-visual users information about the visuals, such as the setting and any action in the video. This typically involves an additional voiceover layer explaining the visuals in the pauses between the existing sound. Finally, transcripts are text versions of the two combined. Transcripts should include both the necessary auditory and visual information users need to understand the content without hearing or seeing it. 

There are 3 main ways to provide audio descriptions with videos: using the video including the audio description as the default option for all users, providing a separate video or a link for the video that includes the audio description, or using a plug-in or the built-in audio description track option available in certain authoring tools. Note, however, that not all authoring or streaming tools have the last option.

For transcripts, there is no set requirement of how transcripts should be structured or provided; the main requirement is that they’re easy to find. Note though that if the video has any interaction such as taking the learner to a web page, then the transcript should also provide that functionality. 


Finally, we’d like to mention that there are additional AAA guidelines that relate to transcripts and audio descriptions. We’ll cover these in the next spotlight.


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Spotlight 7: Captions (WCAG 1.2.2 & 1.2.4)

In the next few spotlights, we’ll be looking at the 9 WCAG guidelines (1.2.1 - 1.2.9) relating to making time-based media, such as audio and video content, accessible. Note that these guidelines solely focus on making the content within the audio or video accessible and these don’t include standards relating to how audio and video content are to be used (eg 1.4.2).

Because this is an extensive topic with 9 guidelines, we’ve divided the topic into 3 spotlights:

So, in this spotlight, let’s have a look at the A and AA requirements related to captions. 

Providing captions is an A (basic) requirement for pre-recorded videos that have sound (1.2.2) and it’s an AA (intermediate) requirement for live content such as a webinar (1.2.4). 

Captions are similar to subtitles in that they should include dialogue that is synchronized to the spoken words and any action happening in the video. However, the difference is that, unlike subtitles, captions also need to include any information necessary to fully understand the video without any sound. For that reason, it should also indicate who is speaking and include any non-speech information like change in voice or background sounds. 

To comply, either open or closed captions can be used. The difference is that open captioning burns the captions into the video and therefore there’s no way to make them disappear whereas closed captions (cc) can be turned off. In general, it’s best to use closed captioning because it gives flexibility to the viewer to switch the captioning off if they find it distracting. If, however, the video platform doesn’t allow caption files to be edited or added, it’s best to use open captioning than no captions..

There are two ways to add subtitles to video content: manually and automatically. Manually works great if you have a copy of the script used in the video that you could copy and paste in. This might not always be the case though, so automatic subtitling can help generate the script quickly. Note, that I used the word “subtitles” and not “captions”. That is because in most cases, scripts and auto-generated “captions” only capture the speech and you should still add any additional notes, such as speakers and non-speech information. In addition, if you use automatic captioning, make sure to check the accuracy of the content and fix any mistakes as they often include misheard words and irregular punctuation.


Note that while it’s best practice to use captioning whenever possible, video content that is used in addition to text and two-way conferencing are exempt from these guidelines. Also note that there are some additional AAA guidelines that also recommend providing captions or an alternative for live audio-only content such as podcasts and providing sign-language interpretations for pre-recorded video content. But we’ll cover these in spotlight 9.

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Spotlight 6: Meaningful sequence and focus order (WCAG 1.3.2, 2.4.3 & 2.4.7)

This week, the highlight is meaningful sequence and focus order. 

WCAG 1.3.2 Meaningful sequence - level A and 2.4.3 Focus order - level A both relate to logical order in any content. They're similar and aim to ensure that assistive technologies don't access content in a confusing way. The difference is mainly that 1.3.2 applies to all content and is essential for screen readers so that it reads out the content in a logical and meaningful way. Whereas 2.4.3 refers to interactive items and are also important for keyboard users who don’t necessarily use screen readers but need to activate interactive items such as links, video players or search bars. Focus order ensures that for example keyboard users can tab through, access and input content in a meaningful way.

To comply, make sure to present content in a logical and intuitive way. Besides, use the authoring tool's focus order function to align the focus order with the reading order as much as possible. 

One more guideline that relates to focus order is WCAG 2.4.7 Focus Visible - level AA. This states that when users navigate through the keyboard, the focus indicator should be visible. This is often a colour border around or a change in the appearance of the content that is being selected by the keyboard. It is a function that is usually governed by the authoring tool, so there's nothing to do.

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Then why not try the screen reader you used in the last spotlight (Spotlight 5: Screen readers) and navigate through a website and see how they apply the meaningful sequence guideline? You can also just test out the focus order without a screen reader and use the tab button to jump around the interactive items and activate them with the space bar.

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Spotlight 5: Screen readers

This week, the highlight is on screen readers.  This assistive technology converts on-screen text into spoken words or braille and also allows users to navigate the content.


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The best way to understand how screen readers work is to watch it in action. 

Have you never used a screen reader before?  This week is your chance to try one!

It’s generally advised that you test your learning content with a screen reader, and even better if you could test with someone with a lived experience of a disability who is an expert at using the software. According to Susi Miller, having an experienced tester could help avoid what she calls ”'screen reader rabbit holes” where the screen reader flags up issues caused by for example incompatibility with certain browsers but in fact, would not affect the learning experience.


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Spotlight 4: Time limits (WCAG 2.2.1 & 2.2.3)

This week we'll look at the WCAG guideline concerning time limits.

According to WCAG 2.2.1 -  Timing adjustable  (Level A), learners shouldn’t be given a time limit unless they can extend it or turn it off.  The advanced version of this guideline (WCAG 2.2.3 - No timing) goes beyond that and recommends not setting time limits even if the learners can control them. 

There are many reasons behind these guidelines, the most obvious being that some people may need more time processing what's on the screen. People for example who use assistive technologies may need more time to get a feel for the navigation of the page, or listen to the screen reader read out the instructions, texts, and anything else on the screen. Also, people with cognitive impairments or people with English as a second language may need more time to read the information on the screen. But it can also be about situational impairments. Imagine that you're interrupted by the doorbell ringing and you miss some crucial information or lose some precious time on the task; you're equally disadvantaged. Finally, we must mention that time constraints can make learning experiences stressful and could cause people to have anxiety and moments of mind blanks. 

While many people may assume that this only relates to timed activities or assessments, it is about anything that has time limits. Other examples where people can miss out on content if this guideline is not followed are slides that automatically move on or update or animated content on the screen that automatically disappears. 

To comply at the AAA level, avoid imposing time limits completely. If that's not possible, to comply with the basic level of this guideline, allow learners either to turn off or provide a means to set the time limit to 10 times the default time limit.

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Spotlight 3: Alt text (WCAG 1.1.1)

This week the spotlight is on alt text. 

According to WCAG 1.1.1 -  Non-text content  (Level A) non-text contents such as images, infographics, or diagrams and functional items such as custom buttons and logos should have alternative text added to them so that screenreaders can recognise them and read them out.

Screen readers basically convert text into speech. That is easy with written texts such as headings and body text, however, it gets more complicated with images. Alt text, that is short for alternative text, is aimed to ensure that people who use screen readers can have the full experience and not feel confused by incomplete explanations such as "The next image shows how much crime in the UK has increased in the last decade".  Alt text can also benefit people who have slow internet connections, as images that cannot load are replaced with the alternative text.

Most authoring tools have an alt text field. If for some reason you cannot add alt text to a specific format, an alternative is to add the alt text to the caption or the body text near the image, or even create a separate link to the alt text. 

The first rule of alt text is knowing when to use them. If the caption already gives a full description, or if the image is purely decorative and the learners would not miss anything if it had been removed, it's best not to use alt text. In these cases, you should use an empty (also called null) alternative text by adding alt="" to the alt text field. That prevents assistive technologies from announcing the content and wasting people's time.

The next important thing to consider is how to write effective alt text, and it's not easy. As they say, a picture paints a thousand words, but neither do you have that many characters in the alt text field, nor do you want to waste the learners' time. So, you need to consider what purpose the image has and therefore what elements of that image are important to the learners. In fact, one image can have many different alt text descriptions based on the audience, the context etc.  

Finally, make sure your alt text is accurate but succinct. Use standard punctuation but avoid special characters that screen readers might have a lengthy way of reading out. Also, avoid using redundant details such as "image of" as screen readers already include that information along with the alt text so you'd be just repeating it. 

Note that when talking about alt text, people usually mean images, screenshots, maps, diagrams, charts etc. However, according to the guideline, this should apply to interactive items too such as audio, video, or buttons.


We’ve gathered some resources for you. 


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Spotlight 2: Assistive technology

This week, the highlight is on assistive technologies. 

Assistive technology is an umbrella term covering tools and services that can increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities. According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 billion people need assistive products (with that number increasing to 2 billion by 2030). (Source: WHO fact sheet)

Assistive technologies include a wide range of devices that help people who have difficulties carrying out certain tasks feel more functioning and independent. These can be every-day tools such as glasses, or simple devices such as automatic pill dispensers for people who have difficulty remembering what pills to take and when, they can be sophisticated software such as head trackers for people who cannot use a mouse or keyboard and have difficulties with oral communication as well. Basically, assistive technology can support people with speaking, typing, writing, remembering, pointing, seeing, hearing, learning, walking, and many other things. 

In the context of online learning content, the most relevant assistive technologies are those that relate to hearing, seeing, and using a mouse or a keyboard. Examples of these include screen readers, screen magnifiers, braille displays, hearing aids, switches, mouth sticks, modified keyboards, speech recognition software etc

We gathered some resources for you for this topic.


If you're already familiar with the topic or when you're finished, come to the LCA Spotlight LinkedIn group and join the conversation.

When you post in the community, use the hashtag #LCASpotlightTechnology

Spotlight 1: Overview of the WCAG guidelines

For the first spotlight, we thought we'd start with an overview of the WCAG guidelines.

Created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (known as WCAG) are an internationally recognised set of recommendations for improving content accessibility on the World Wide Web (e.g. the internet).

Even though not all organisations are required to be WCAG compliant, following these guidelines helps create content that is accessible to a wide audience. 

The WCAG guidelines are grouped into 4 categories known as the POUR principles. POUR stands for:

All the guidelines are grouped into one of these 4 categories and each guideline is further categorized according to its conformance level:

In the latest version of WCAG (WCAG 2.1), there are 78 standards altogether.  While that may sound like a lot, some of these are related to each other, and also not all of these are applicable to learning content creation.

In the spotlights, we'll go over the relevant guidelines. In this spotlight, let's just get a brief overview of them in general. 

We gathered some resources for you for this topic.

If you're already familiar with the topic, or when you're finished, come to the LCA Spotlight LinkedIn group and join the conversation.

When you post in the community, use the hashtag #LCASpotlightWCAG